Our annual CCR report for 2023 is now available! Click HERE to view!

All community Public Water Systems (PWS) are required to advise customers of the annual reports of drinking water quality. This report is called a Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR). CCRs are finalized in the middle of the following year. For instance, for the 2024 CCR report, it will be published in the middle of 2025, generally by the end of June.

To learn more about the way Texas water is tested, the methodology, and certification processes, we invite you to visit the EPA’s page on Safe Drinking Water HERE!

Texas Water Development Board announces new Water Data for Texas website

On November 8, 2012, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will launch a new website www.waterdatafortexas.org  which will provide the most comprehensive information available on Texas reservoir conditions. TWDB compiled extensive records from federal, state, and local partners to generate current and historical information on reservoir levels, storage, surface area, and elevation-area-capacity curves. In many cases, the website provides data for the entire history of the reservoir.
TWDB designed the site so that data are easy to access and download both by end users and by third-party applications.
The Water Data for Texas site will consolidate and replace information from other TWDB websites. On November 8, please update your bookmarks to www.waterdatafortexas.org if you use any of the following sites, as these will be decommissioned: